
“Like everyone else, we experience our tough times, but humour, beautiful sunsets and wide-open spaces always seem to calm things down.”

— Author, Angela Taylor.

About the book.

This book is for all the little country kids out there who enjoy life on the land! It may also be an introduction to ‘farm life’ for our friends living in the big smoke as well. The Machinery Shed’s characters are based on our farming family here in Binalong NSW.

We celebrate the part that we play in bringing food from the paddocks to many plates around Australia and the machines that assist with this work. We also enjoy talking about all the benefits that the machinery shed can have for farming families. The machinery shed for many people is a sacred space and is home to important lessons, moments and experiences. Endless hours of fixing, tinkering, designing and creating make it a space of therapy for many blokes (and sheilas). It is a place where knowledge is handed down and new ideas are formed as younger generations grow up. Sometimes it is a place of colourful language when that stubborn nut won’t undo, or the #$@*ing pump won’t start! Usually out of range for young ears to hear, thankfully. For our family the machinery shed is a place where everyone is welcome to complete all projects, big or small. It is a space where baby Josh’s heart beats a little faster as he watches his dad crawl all over that big ‘broom broom tractor’. It is a place for young Cooper to complete school projects with Pop. It is where Farmer George shares knowledge whilst working with his two sons as they build and fix machinery on a daily basis.

So, the next time you enter this sort of space, just take a moment to feel the love and energy that occurs within the Aussie farm’s machinery shed.

About the Author.

I’m a true-blue Aussie sheila (ha!) who grew up in the red dirt of Cobar NSW. Through a few unexpected turns I somehow created my ideal life here in the green hills of beautiful Binalong NSW. I have to pinch myself most days as to how I got so lucky to live here. I have a loving husband who supports most of my crazy ideas and two beautiful boys, Cooper and Joshua. One is a total bull calf and the other is my little ram lamb! I am surrounded by boys which tests me at times, but I would not have it any other way. I have a small, allied health practice in the neighbouring town of Yass which is my true passion. Having grown up in remote NSW, I am aware of the impact a lack of professional services can have. It makes my heart sing knowing that I am providing a space for both professionals and their patients to receive various health and well-being services.
My husband runs a silage contracting business which is a whole family affair! Don’t stand around too long near us or you’ll be thrown in a tractor! Like everyone else, we experience our tough times, but humour, beautiful sunsets and wide-open spaces always seem to calm things down.
On that note I hope this book is a hit at bedtime. Hopefully it too can calm your bull calf, ram lamb or gorgeous little ewe. ☺
Happy reading!
Love Ange xxx

“On that note I hope this book is a hit at bedtime. Hopefully it too can calm your bull calf, ram lamb or gorgeous little ewe. ☺”